Friday, December 12, 2008

Illegal Immigrant Rights?

In reference to a post by Tina Johnson on her blog titled Devils Thrive on the Tribe that is Mute.

Illegal immigrants having rights? Wouldn’t that only include a guarantee at applying to becoming a citizen otherwise a free trip back to their home country?
How in the world could anyone rationalize that by giving illegal immigrants a driver’s license is going to get them to pay the same costs? Do they not understand that they don’t decide to not have insurance because they can’t, they don’t because it cost money. The standard of living for most illegal immigrants doesn’t budget the amount needed for things like registration or insurance or safety inspections, rather most are just trying to get by. Besides, if they applied for a driver’s license, wouldn’t that make them an easy target to be found?

That brings up a whole other topic, funny enough, that it actually wouldn’t make them more discoverable because our government knows exactly where they are! Yet, we don’t do much about it. Now don’t get me wrong, I think everyone deserves a fair chance to be a citizen but when someone doesn’t bother to learn our language, do you think there are very educated on our street laws, particularly those regarding safety? Te subject doesn’t really give me warm fuzzies when I contemplate this subject as I load my small children into the car for a local trip.

Futhermore, this is in no way an attack on illegal immigrants whatsoever! I have good friends that are not exactly citizens but you wouldn’t know it unless they told you. They can communicate efficiently, they have a driver’s license, they carry full coverage insurance and they even pay taxes.

Now those that go to our colleges, that’s another fun one. Most do not realize that when you “pay for college” and your total is say $2,000.00 a semester, your real total is anywhere between two to three times that depending on the school, which is subsidized by the government. Now when an illegal goes to one of our schools, even if they don’t take advantage of grants r scholarships, they are still using up funding for the rest of us.

Now I have gone off on a tangent but again, to those that feel that giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants will solve our higher insurance rates – you are sadly mistaken. This will only make them harder to distinguish from true citizens. Now the new technology that links insurance coverage with your plates – that is going to make a huge difference!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Lack of Supervision

In an article featured on titled Advocates: Texas should take immediate action on state schools, author Corrie MacLaggan shows how those on both sides of the argument are missing the main point. State schools, institutions for people with mental retardation, are in the spotlight for their lack of adequate care. And the numbers don’t lie – 114 people have died just in the last year. What is going on?

In a report sent to the Governor, the facilities have been found to be responsible because of inadequate supervision. The facilities claim that they have been working on this but because of low staffing, it has been a hard battle but they have been showing improvement. The state schools have also asked for more funds for a pay increase to help the cause.

Why is it that when the 114 people die from mishaps that could have probably been prevented, the news was not on the front page of the paper? Why is it that an advocacy group has to make a big stink for someone to pay attention? If it is due to staffing, then why do others complain that there are not enough jobs in Texas? The cost of a significant pay increase, even one larger than the 10% they are requesting, probably won’t hit the budget that hard and could make a huge difference in the care offered in state schools.

Seems as though the regulation of these state schools clearly needs reform, not only in the staffing needs but also in the management. People are so quick to place those with such disabilities in such a facility and just rely on the state to take care of the cost. If we are going to rely on the State to help us in helping our own, isn’t it our responsibility to ensure that it is being done correctly?

Thank God for advocacy groups!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I would definitely have to agree [with this post]! But I must say that some of the cost is a bit offset by those that do pay into our government tax programs such as social security and never actually get a pay out. What really irks me though is those that never pay into it yet find a way to milk social security at a younger age off of someone else's number. There is a gentleman at my workplace that recently completed the process to become an official citizen and as of yesterday can now call himself an American. After studying our history, taking an exam and paying a few thousand dollars, he passed with flying colors. He learned our language and holds his own just as the rest of us that were born here. Why can't those who sneak in, don't contribute, look for a free ride, at least learn the language? Oh and on top of that, bring extra crime and costs while taking jobs? Good topic! While so many criticize the wall, I think it is definitely an inexpensive start to helping our economy getting back to what it used to be!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Educated Voting

While many account this election as being a record breaking turnout for new, young voters as well as a monumental change in our history reflecting the first African-American elected President, you wouldn’t know it in Hays County. In an article titled Let there be Change, in The Eagle, author Mary Elizabeth Davis shows us that not only did less voters turn out than past years, many were not completely concerned with who was on the ballot.

Most would agree that straight party ticket voting is the easy way out but it seems that most in Hays County felt that was good enough for them. With only sixty one percent of the county’s registered voters turning out, about 98.5 percent of them voted straight party, almost equally split between Republican and Democrat and about 1.43 percent voting Libertarian. Even with many supporters of Obama sitting outside of the voting location with signs held high, their efforts had little effect with McCain winning the majority of votes.

While this article does depict most of the important information regarding the resident’s elections in Hays County, I felt that a core issue was not addressed. There were two other important issues on the ballot, a road bond to fix our local highways to increase road safety and a bid by the sheriff’s deputies for their right to proper representation. I was delighted to see that both were passed but judging by the fact that such little effort was put into researching our local officials shown by the enormous number of straight party ticket voting, it makes me wonder if there will be some conflict when they begin to build the new highway or when the deputies have an issue. Such voting patterns are a clear reflection that many were very unaware of all of the factors involved on both issues and the ultimate costs of each. Again, I think the safety of the new highway is well worth the cost as well as helping our deputies have their voice heard when there is issues with their rate of pay but I worry that when residents get the bill, some of the same voters who had no clue while voting, will be the first on the picket line!

It amazes me every four years as to how many people will lose friends over political debate yet take no effort in researching the topics at hand. Hays County has shown that its residents have an old habit that is going to be hard to break. While those elected this year are primarily those that I am happy to have represent me as a resident, I do worry about the future elections and am strongly considering adding more to my busy schedule – getting involved in my local politics.

Moral to the story: Be an informed voter!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Same-Sex Marriage

A good friend of mine cannot bear children. While very unfortunate, she has found bliss in now having adopted two children who she treats the same as though she gave birth to them herself. Her husband, as well, is thrilled at the joy they share together watching their children grow. According to Dr. Thomas Sowell though, if our Federal Government knew that she could not bear children, she also has to give up her right to marriage. In a blog titled “On Same-Sex Marriage”, Dr. Sowell makes it very clear that his stance on gay marriage is that of a disapproving one.

While I will say that I can see where he is going with his logic, claiming that approving gay marriage opens the flood gates to pedophiles is a bit far fetched! One could agree that when looking at the original format in which the ceremony or contract of marriage was created, it’s sanctity that it was put in place to preserve had no intentions of one day including the union between same-sex couples. But stating that “Marriage is not a right but a set of legal obligations imposed because the government has a vested interest in unions that, among other things, have the potential to produce children, which is to say, the future population of the nation” is just a bit too far.

Clearly, this blog,, is that of a very conservative one and even I, being a liberal republican, cannot even begin to wrap my head around this argument. While the author does seem to cover major issues as well, he also seems to be more particular to those that will prove his point of view. His harsh approach proves that his audience is also usually that of a conservative one because he seems to have no filter as well as he never touches on any points from the other point of view. While we would all like to think that our way of thinking is perfect, no one’s ever is and to be a true intellect, one must see every situation from both sides.

Golden rule of blogging: think before you type!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Vote Smart!

Regardless of your party affiliation, I would think everyone can agree with the statements made in this article. In an editorial featured in The Dallas Morning News titled Don’t Vote Straight Ticket, the author made their point of view pretty clear, especially with their concluding statement “Be a smart voter: cast your ballot for the best candidates – not a single party.” They author makes it very clear that their intended audience is every voter - young, old, black or white – the importance of their vote and that each voter needs to make the most of their vote.

Many people get infuriated over the fact that some choose not to vote and the author makes it very clear of his or her stance on the importance of voting. But when they stated “even if you leave a few blank because you're not sure – [it] is well worth your time,” they also show that straight party voting is worse than not voting at all. I would have to agree on this in that the examples he laid out were pretty straight forward. I have many friends that, to my dismay, have admitted of doing such a wrongful deed of just picking all candidates that were of the same political affiliation and I have many of times had conversations with these same friends in regards to the candidates they have just helped elect. When I explained each candidate’s political view, specifically pointing out those that dealt with personal issues to the friends, they were shocked at what they had just promoted.

In the current Presidential election, candidate Republican John McCain has even dealt with party-identity crisis at one point. He seemed to dibble dabble on each side until he found a good fit for himself (or the best fit for the most personal gain, but what politician doesn’t do that, right?).

Overall, the author is trying to say that an uneducated vote that could potentially promote unwanted future changes is worse than an educated, unused vote. Please, vote smart!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Crooked Mayors

Sagging Pants and First Class Flights: The Priorities of Mayor Moncrief

It is impossible to turn on the television today and not hear something about the stock market, the Presidential campaign, mortgages or gas prices. Even when you tune into the local news, one can assume to get updated info about how the current economy is affecting our local area and what our local elected officials are doing about the crisis. But in an article titled “Sagging Pants and First Class Flights: The Priorities of Mayor Moncrief” by Shawn Griffiths, the author clearly shows that the Mayor of Fort Worth doesn’t seem to have his priorities in line. Rather than focusing on how to relieve some of the financial burdens on his city’s citizens or to provide guidance with the future being so unclear, the article shows that his main goal is to get the youth to dress more appropriately as well as spend tax dollars on five star hotels. Clearly, citizens in that area need to ensure a high voter turnout at their next election.