Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Same-Sex Marriage

A good friend of mine cannot bear children. While very unfortunate, she has found bliss in now having adopted two children who she treats the same as though she gave birth to them herself. Her husband, as well, is thrilled at the joy they share together watching their children grow. According to Dr. Thomas Sowell though, if our Federal Government knew that she could not bear children, she also has to give up her right to marriage. In a blog titled “On Same-Sex Marriage”, Dr. Sowell makes it very clear that his stance on gay marriage is that of a disapproving one.

While I will say that I can see where he is going with his logic, claiming that approving gay marriage opens the flood gates to pedophiles is a bit far fetched! One could agree that when looking at the original format in which the ceremony or contract of marriage was created, it’s sanctity that it was put in place to preserve had no intentions of one day including the union between same-sex couples. But stating that “Marriage is not a right but a set of legal obligations imposed because the government has a vested interest in unions that, among other things, have the potential to produce children, which is to say, the future population of the nation” is just a bit too far.

Clearly, this blog, LoneStarTimes.com, is that of a very conservative one and even I, being a liberal republican, cannot even begin to wrap my head around this argument. While the author does seem to cover major issues as well, he also seems to be more particular to those that will prove his point of view. His harsh approach proves that his audience is also usually that of a conservative one because he seems to have no filter as well as he never touches on any points from the other point of view. While we would all like to think that our way of thinking is perfect, no one’s ever is and to be a true intellect, one must see every situation from both sides.

Golden rule of blogging: think before you type!

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